What Is BeYOUU?

Serving Durham, North Carolina and surrounding areas, at Be Your Own Unique U (BeYOUU), we're passionate about creating a supportive community where kids ages 8-14 y/o can THRIVE. We know these can be crucial years for a child's social, intellectual, and emotional development. That's why we offer empowering self and community development programs innovative literature that: 

  • Build unshakeable confidence (because everyone deserves to feel like a superhero!)
  • Open up to the grown-ups who care (communication is key!)
  • Tackle challenges with resilience (life throws curveballs, but we can learn to hit them out of the park!)

We believe in the power of kindness, even when the world can feel a little rough. We want to show kids the amazing things children can achieve, no matter their environment or what society says.

Here's the best part: The skills kids learn with BeYOUU will stay with them for life. So when challenges arise in adulthood (because they will) they'll have the tools they need to cope and keep shining.

 Our innovate literature and programs are designed to make huge impact in the school system and community.  

Meet the CEO

HBCU grad, Community Mentor, and Pediatric Nurse. Denashya created Be Your Own Unique U, LLC "BeYOUU" in hopes to inspire children that anything is possible no matter where you come from. She believes in giving children from all different types of backgrounds the same chance at life but it all starts with their mindset - and that's where we come in!

" I do this because I know what it feels like to be that kid that never felt good enough around my peers; I pretended like everything was okay and hid how I felt because I thought no one would understand me. Now as an adult working as a pediatric nurse, I see firsthand how home environments can have a detrimental impact on a student’s social, intellectual, and emotional skills. I see youth as young as 8 years old attempting to take their own life or participating in self-harm. I want children to know they are not alone and to teach them the power of self-confidence and vulnerability with trusted adults. If these foundations are set early, these practical skills can lead them into a successful adulthood so that when challenges arise, they have the tools to navigate through it." - Denashya, CEO